Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday...3 years later.

I was looking through old photos and realized that it is probably close to Brooke Richards birthday right now, since this was taken August 14, 2004 at her birthday party in Salt Lake.

I think Kari and I already look a lot older than we used to. We've been through enough in the past 3 years to add 10 years to our life. I don't say enough how lucky I am to be her husband, though I have been thinking it more and more lately. I love you, Kari. Now, I just have to go and tell her to her face.


brooklyn said...

aaaawwww. we love you guys, too.

Cindy Bean said...

I tagged you! I like that blue picture.

DJ said...

I think Liz's sister Kim is in that top picture.

Jeni Everett said...

What's up Spencer? It's been a while. Jeni started doing the whole blog thing a little over a month ago. It's kind of been fun finding people on here. We'd love to hear from you. Our blog is if you would like to check it out.

Tommy and Jeni

megan said...

C'mon already and post about something else!