Sunday, August 19, 2007

Happy Birthday...3 years later.

I was looking through old photos and realized that it is probably close to Brooke Richards birthday right now, since this was taken August 14, 2004 at her birthday party in Salt Lake.

I think Kari and I already look a lot older than we used to. We've been through enough in the past 3 years to add 10 years to our life. I don't say enough how lucky I am to be her husband, though I have been thinking it more and more lately. I love you, Kari. Now, I just have to go and tell her to her face.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Finally it has happened to me...

So, we are finally almost all back together after a long period of vacation. Kari took the girls to Utah for Pioneer Day, where I joined them a week later. It was a lonely week. We took a family photo with Kari's side of the family at the Great Salt Lake--haven't seen the results yet, but we finally got a new camera and took a few of our own.

We left Zoe with Kari's sister and drove to Yellowstone and Jackson Hole for the weekend. We got to Old Faithful about 30 seconds before she erupted, which is perfect timing when you are driving a lot with a 6 year old. Still, we had a lot of fun and it was so beautiful. In Jackson Hole, there were enough bald eagles to make a patriot of anyone, plus about 2000 bikers on their way to Sturgis (which meant even more bald eagles...tattooed everywhere).

As you can see, I am still not used to taking photos, which is why I appear a little stiff in this picture. This was actually my best one too.

After a week in Utah, I had to head back home for work. Kari took Zoe out to California for another lonely week (for me). She had a great time and had beautiful weather. Zoe got her first solo ride on the merry-go-round. She's takes to horses pretty natural-like. Must be the Texas in her. Anyway, I am glad to have two of the girls back and can't wait 'til Bella gets home on Tuesday. She will start 1st grade in just a couple of weeks!

So, now that we are finally photo-ready, we have no excuse not to post more often. This likely won't become a journal, but I am hoping it becomes as common as a Chris Romney hair twirl. Yeah right.